Tompkins Speech and Debate Booster Club -General Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
Date: August 28, 2024
Time: 6.00 pm
Location: LGI, Obra D Tompkins High School
Board Members Present:
Ashwini Wani (President)
Ann Piehl (Vice President)
Neha Maheshwari (Social Secretary)
Sonali Sapru (Treasurer)
Susanne Lau (Head Hospitality)
Coach Meaghan West (Honorary Member)
Parents Present :44 (List Attached)
Board or Voting Members Absent:
Coach Duplanty (Honorary member)
Quorum is present.
Meeting called to order at 6.00 pm
- Welcome and Opening Remarks
- The meeting was called to order by Coach Meaghan West.
- Coach West welcomed all attendees and thanked them for their continued support.
- Highlights of the Tompkins Speech & Debate Team
- Coach West introduced all the officers of the team.
- Coach West shared the team stats and lauded the team for a winning performance.
- Team Communication - SLACK:
- Coach West informed that all team related communication with the students will be done via SLACK.
- Parents should join Slack to communicate with the coaches.
- Parents will be added to the tournament channel if their student is going for the tournament for updates and photos.
- Tournament Signups.
- Coach West shared the Tournament schedule. This is also available on the website.
- Coach West explained the various tyes of speech & debate events.
- QR Code will be posted in Coach West’s room for tournament signup.
- Dropping out of the tournament after signup will result in $35 Nuisance Fees.
- Failure to prepare and demerits points will lead to student being dropped from tournament
- All communication for tournament will be via SLACK.
- Coach West informed that the travel tournament is not included in team fees. Payment for these will be separate and will include flight, hotel, transportation etc.
- Novices should attend all novice nights. They will be allowed to attend local tournament once skill set matches the expectations.
- Varsity students should attend 8 local tournaments and judge 1 novice night.
- Coach West discussed the logistics and expectations of local tournaments.
- The attire for the tournaments is expected to be Business Formals.
- Parental Involvement
- Coach West requested parents to pay all team dues by September 20, 2024 or 3 days before the first tournament.
- Judge 2 full days of tournament or include additional $150 in team dues.
- Sign up genius will be shared for judging signups.
- Donations of snacks, meals , water etc is appreciated.
- Class Expectations
- Coach West discussed the class expectations and listed the requirements, grading policy and technology.
- Varsity members must attend practice each week.
- Novice members are welcome to join practice each week.
- Priority will always be on students with imminent competitions.
- Tompkins Speech and Debate booster club
- Coach west introduced the booster club.
- Ashwini wani explained the mission of the booster club and introduced the board members.
- Ashwini Wani explained what the team donations will be used for.
- Ashwini Wani informed that the team donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
- The various methods of making payments for the team donations were informed.
- Ashwini Wani introduced the website
- The website has the relevant information about the update about the team, team schedules, merchandise, donation links etc.
- She requested the audience to follow the facebook page of the booster club.
- The upcoming dates for the Booster club were informed
- Inhouse tournamenent- October 5,2024
- Debate Banquet - April 25,2025
- Booster Board meetings -Second Wednesday of every month
- Fundraising - Silent Auction - TBD
- Ashwini Wani also requested the audience to sign up for volunteering.
- Open Floor
- Attendees were given the opportunity to raise any additional concerns or questions.
- Coach West and Booster Club team will revert with any concerns raised.
- Next Meeting
- The date for the next General meeting is To Be Decided and will be informed to the parents.
- Adjournment
- Meeting was adjourned at 7.00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Neha Maheshwari
Tompkins Speech and Debate Booster Club - Social Secretary
Approved by:
Ashwini Wani
Tompkins Speech and Debate Booster Club- President
Ann Piehl
Tompkins Speech and Debate Booster Club- Vice President
August 28,2024
Appendix: (List of Parent Attendees)